Monday 31 October 2011


Welcome to the last day of our month long HALLOWEEN celebration..... an amazing 31day blog hop..... including todays project i have actually made and posted 56 things for this month....... WOW! To day we have a new challenge at MACABRE MONDAY and it is.......
Heinously Haunted Houses
You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based art piecethat features a haunted house as the focus.This IS Haunted Design House after all :) The more decrepit, deteriorating or disturbing... the better!
I was a bit stumped by this...... but ended up making a mini album/book...... i cut 4 different house shapes from thick card and covered them with papers from my stash......
i used stamped images from loads of different companies to decorate the pages...
ribbons to hold it all together, rub-ons, a few stickers and german scrap around the roof edges.

Sorry there are so many pictures but i wanted you to see i didnt cheat and just do the front and back....i did think about it but thought i'd better be good and do a complete project as its the last day. So come on folks, we minions at HDH want to see your HAUNTED HOUSES this week.... and there is a wonderful prize from the mistress herself.

I Also today i want to share with you 2x skulls my girls have decorated for Halloween....they painted them and used stickers, stamps, gel pens and gems..... these now stand on the window sill beside the front door so the trick or treaters tonight can see them.

I shall enter the following challenges INSPIRATION FROM THE PHOTO


Thanks to all those who visited every day..... you really are special people and made it all worth while. Much love to all lynx


  1. Lynx as always you have blown the socks off of this challenge. Your stuff should be in an art gallery or something. Still can't stop looking at my brooch (love it so much)xxxxxxxx xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just fantastic, great Halloween pieces of art. It looks, that October is "your" months ;)

  4. AWESOME haunted house project - that is just fabulous. I love all the different images... it's sooo cooool. The skulls are amazing too. The girls did a super job. I hope you all enjoy your Halloween :-D xxxx

  5. the haunted house mini book is wonderful! So much detail, GLAD you shared so many pictures.
    Your girls skulls are AWESOME! Tell them that I am super impressed!

  6. the haunted haus is so cool, so are the skulls love them

  7. Houses, especially haunted ones, are one of my obsessions. You have tied it all up in one beautiful package for me with this magnificent little book! Jaw still on ground - must close mouth now! Your girls' skulls are great!

  8. BD,
    Your HH is just to FAB! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
    I love all the images and embllies you have used!
    Your skulls are to die for! I just saw some of those paper machae skulls in my local craft store and almost bought one just to see if I could make one look cool like you do. But I didn't end up buying it. Maybe I should go back and see if they are on clearance now that's it's Halloween LOL. Anyways, I know yours will be better, cuz these 2 skulls just rock! WONDERFUL job on all your projects!
    Happy Halloween!

  9. Lynx... You have done a beautifully creepy job on your haunted house mini album!!! I love it, every last page!!! Your girls did a wonderful job on their skulls!!! I am very proud of them!!! I must say that you are very creative and very multi talented!!! I am so glad that I got to know you better on this journey and hope to get to know even more about you in the days to come!!!!

  10. WOW - this is awesome! Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.


  11. Lyn what amazing creations!!!! Real inspiration for our Art With No Boundaries Challenge - so glad you joined us and hope you will look out for our new challenge next Monday!

  12. Fabulous project! Such great details throughout. Thanks for joining us at DYSU.

  13. This is just amazing, Lynx!! I thought about doing a book and now am I glad I didn't. Yours is uber cool! Love the different roof lines and fab stamps. I may just try one after all, with yours as a guide. thanks for your fab inspiration all month! Your work is totally AMAZING! Obvious your girls are following in your footsteps because their skuls are just fabulous as well! Happy Halloween, Minion sis! xxD

  14. Wow! So many amazing details on this!:)

  15. Your house book is amazing you can see that a lot of work went into it. Love the girls skulls they are following in their mom's footsteps and are going to be awesome artist
    Luv Jane big hugs to girls xxxxxx

  16. I love your haunted houses and the girls skulls are terrific! Hope you have a creepalicious night!

  17. Your Haunted House book is really really cool! There was a lot of work and thought that went into it and it shows. Very cool project! Thanks for sharing your art with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. <3 Candy

  18. So flippin' amazing! Love your HH book. Those kids with the skeleton faces on the cover are fantastically creepy.
    The skulls your girls decorated are wonderful, love all the gems they used.

  19. WOW! Your haunted house piece is amazing! Thanks for sharing it with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

    Ellen :)

  20. AWESOME, FABULOUS, FANTASTIC projects Lynx, love the both, the book is stunning and the skulls are so cool!!
    thanks for joining our challenge this week
    Miranda DYSU DT

  21. I love the different pages and images!! Those papers are fabulous too! : )

    Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge!!!


    *Follow Simon Says Stamp on Twitter!
    *Like us on Facebook!

  22. Wow. So much work, but oh so worth. Awesome mini album. Thanks so much for sharing with The Paper Variety.

  23. This is just amazing. Love all the little details. So much fun. Thanks so much for joining in over at Art With No Boundries this week

  24. Love your book - super cool

    kitten - DYSU team

  25. Really spooky! TFS with us at Cupcakes Inspirations.
    Zulma DT

  26. WOW!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!

    What more can I say but WOW!!!!!

    Thankyou so much for playing with us at Creative Craft Challenges. xoxoxo Carly

  27. Ditto all above it's fantastic love it and it just goes on and on .......Mandy x

  28. Wonderful project! Thanks for playing along with us at the Drunken Stampers challenge!

  29. Love the skulls your twins have decorated, they obviously take after their Mum :) and your Haunted House is just stunning! FAB creation! :)

  30. Wow this is fab I would know where to start thanks for joining us this time at Creative Craft Challenge.
    Jenny x

  31. WOW!! This is super cool! So many neat details. Love it!
    Thanks for joining us at Little Darlings Challenges. I hope you join us in our next challenge.

    Hugs, Mindy

  32. Wow--what a great selection. Thanks for joining us over at Crafting When We can. Janet DT
