Monday 1 August 2011


Well its Monday, its Macabre ...but ..................... ITS OUR 100TH CHALLENGE......
So, to celebrate this milestone, we're going to do a few things different this week . The general list of rules still apply, so be sure to follow them to be considered for the coveted Gruesome Twosome & Master of the Macabre titles!
There is BLOG CANDY-CORN to be had this week!
Did you know that Vincent Price would've been 100 this year?!
Yes, so it is divine providence that this week's challenge is:

"Varying Visages of Vincent"

(translates to: the many faces of Vinny)
You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based art piece

that is inspired by the TRUE Master of the Macabre, Vincent Price.
A movie, character, poem, narration, song or quote... anything that the great Vincent Price has touched can be used for inspiration. If you need a little help, HERE is a link for some images, HERE is the official Vincent Price website, and HERE is a link to a website with some audio clips.
Now, about the blog candy... Here's a pic so far:

There are rubber and clear stamps, a handful of cards created by The Masterful Mistress herself, chipboard shapes and letters, altered chipboard purse & album pages, skullies, ribbons, floss, embellishments, Distress Stickles, rub-ons... Even a cute stuffed jacko ... and much much MORE!

As we get more comments & challenge entries,
there MIGHT be more thrown in throughout the week!
AND some of the Minions will be giving away additional blog candy on their own blogs...
be sure to check them out!

The rules for entering blog candy drawing:
1. Readers shall hop to each of the Macabre Minions blogs to see their take on the challenge...
readers must comment on each of the (6) posts.
2. Spread the word about the candy corn via your blog, Twitter, whatevah. Then just comment on this HDH post with a link to the announcement about it.
3. If you play along with the HDH Macabre Monday 100th challenge, you get TWO extra chances to win... just linky up and then add two more comments. We will be selecting a Gruesome Twosome like we normally do.

I am a HUGE fan of Vincent Price... so i couldnt make just one thing....i made 3!

This is a framed mixed media piece.... the pictures i googled.... i altered a piece of DP with stamps from Cherry pie,and lots of ink. I stamped and embossed a raven, cut it out and triple embossed for extra shine.... i made 3 shrink plastic ravens using a Tim Holtz die.... i printed the name out on the 'puter... coloured it with promarkers and cut it out.... i then triple embossed it.

I made the shabby flower/rosette, added dangly feathers/beads/ and a VP centre.

The frame was painted and distressed... i love doing that!

Next up is a necklace..... made using red glass beads, bronze coloured chain/beads and findings... i made a mounted cabichon using a picture of VP from the film THE RAVEN.

This is a close up.....

and finally if you havent lost the will to live by my 3rd project.... a brooch.... i make these fairly regularly..... this one has a detachable smaller brooch in the centre so it can be worn either as a BIG statement piece or just as a small VP brooch.

As we are celebrating our 100th challenge and having CANDY and GIVE-AWAYS.....

ONE lucky(...or unlucky, which ever way you wanna look at it.... )PERSON will get to chose which ever of my VINCENT PROJECTS they'd like to have.... and another REALLY LUCKY PERSON will win the wonderful............

QUOTH THE RAVEN rubber stamp set from SMEARED INK............... ITS MY FAVOURITE STAMP SET EVER!.....and quite fitting as VP was in many films of MR POE stories..... and his reading of THE RAVEN poem is heart stopping!

Now before you really do give up all hope of getting to the end of this long post....i'd just like to say THANKS for making MACABRE MONDAYS SO SPECIAL.....

............... off you go to........

Creepy Cricut Cween Donna

...................who will have something brilliant to show you........

i know cos i've seen it!

We can't wait to see everyone's take on this VIVP (Very Important Vincent Price) challenge!

Thanks for getting all the way through this lynx


  1. I am a different Andrea C and I would love to be put in the running for all of y0ur goodies hehe. Seriously these are so amazing you need to start selling your brooches on etsy, you can't deny people owning something like that. x

  2. *giggling at Andrea-in-disguise* :P Lynx, your pieces are SO damn fabulous, if you weren't such a wonderful Minion you'd make me a little bit sick :P

  3. Woah!! My hubby would so love those framed pics of the Master of the Macabre!! All your pieces are magnificent! :D XXX

  4. Oh Lynx, as usual I'm speechless! I'm with Andrea! Perhaps Goliath should start a blog. He'd love to win one of your fab pieces for his Mummy! xxD

  5. Great projects.... Love them all. I'm a huge Vincent Price fan!!!!

  6. OH MY GOOD GOOGLY MOOGLY!!!!! I am so in love with all 3 pieces!!! REally truly honestly!!! I LOVE YOU TOO!!!! Gotta see what I can do!

  7. Gorgeous projects! I've always held a special place in my heart for Vincent Price.:)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love all of your wonderful creepy, creations!

  10. wow how awesome all of your projects are but especially the necklace. the raven is my favorite poe piece and i have loved vinny since i was a very small child. i only knew him through movies/tv but i miss him madly. thanks for sharing your wonderful projects :)

  11. They are all such great projects hard to choose a favorite :) Wonderful work!!

  12. Wow oh Wow! Fantastic projects - the ravens in shrink plastic are a stroke of genius.

  13. That's really neat. I would have never thought to do a picture frame type project. I love it all, especially the broach!

  14. Oh I love all 3 of your Vincent Price pieces but my favorite is the brooch!

  15. Winning your items would almost be worth quitting the HDH DT to be eligible. Really. Your art never ceases to amaze and inspire me. I am proud to be on the same team as you. I'd really hate to try to compete with you, that's for sure!
    Gloriously haunting work my friend.

  16. Wow!!! They are all gorgeous!!! but I think my favourite is the broach, which is simply beautifull!!!!

    Fiona. x

  17. Holy Moly- what a fantastic assortment you have here.. each one is just amazing...i am going to have to get to thinking on this .....Love the necklace especially!

  18. Holy Crow! These are ALL amazing! Really do you have time to create such awesomeness? Where do you get that amazing mojo? I need me some of that! Wow! LOVE all the projects, but the first is really incredible!

  19. Awesome projects! You are one super talented artist! Thank you for shraing your amazing talent with us!

  20. Wow these are beautiful mini art !! Your very creative! Thanks for sharing your amazing work! ~Jamie~ New Follower

  21. Love the cool! And the framed vintage Vincent! Great job!

  22. GORGEOUS WORK!! what a wonderful tribute!
    Please toss my name in the hat BD!! Thanks for the opportunity to win something,

    PS...I am going to try and make something.

  23. Overachiever! LOL! Gorgeous projects, my dear dragon and how very generous of you to offer additional blog candy!

  24. Very cool projects you've created in honor of the king of the macabre. Don't you just love his voice!

  25. Your art is amazing! From this set of three, I especially love the brooch, but everything you've done here is wonderful!

    Have a great weekend!

  26. Your projects are amazing. I think I love the brooch best. I love brooches but I don't wear them often as most of my T-Shirts and pullovers would get killed by them.

  27. Your projects are absolutely AMAZING!!!!!

  28. wonderful job! i'm always amazed by your artwork and as always your jewerly is amazing! but i do think the frame pieced is the the best!

  29. Just wanted to say that I absolutely stole your idea with the ravens and shrink plastic for my Vincent piece and wanted to be upfront about it. :) Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  30. Always one of the last ones . Wowser BD!! your creations are exquisite. I looooooove your necklace and the broach - who wouldn't love to wear these works of art. Thank you for your constant inspiration - Love ya! Dianne

  31. No one on this earth can do what you do so beautifully.

  32. you are amazing! I love all your pieces! that framed piece is amazing! wow how I wish I had your talent for the darkness!!!

  33. well goodness gracious! you are a basket full of talent! i love the frame image and that necklace is absolutely gorgeous!

    thank you so much for your kind words and support. you are one special lady!

    hugs :)
