Saturday 4 June 2011


Welcome to the SMEARED AND SMUDGED FORUM ORGANISED BLOG HOP for SKULL APPRECIATION DAY. ..... although you have until TUESDAY to complete this hop as its really quite long...... nearly as long as this post me thinks!
To get all the info on the hop and info on how to win some great prizes from our sponsors click on my post title and check it out.
If you are hopping you should have come to me from my MACABRE MONDAY teamie DONNA, and your next blog to visit is PAULETTE............... as i am a techno-idiot i have included all of the blogs below as i have no idea how to edit it.... so please look for PAULETTE on the list below.... and click on that!
My piece for this hop is a 10''x10'' canvas...painted, distressed, stamped, distressed somemore.... the skull image is one i drew a couple of weeks ago for a Macabre monday challenge.... i scanned it to the puter, then printed it out 5 times and cut them all out... i layered it up decoupage fashion.
I added washers, nuts, screws, diecuts and studs to my canvas to carry on the steampunk theme of the skull.

During the last few weeks i have made some SKULL themed jewelry.... some large 'LOOK AT ME' statement pieces, some more understated, some quite feminine.... all different and totally unique......

and as i am one of the sponsors of this hop.... (my 1st time ever as a sponsor and i'm rather nervous incase no one wants to win one of my creations...... )you might win one of the pieces above..... the winner gets to pick..... but you'll need to check on TERRA'S blog to see what you have to do.

I hope you have a great weekend.... enjoy the hop.... i know i will.. thanks for visiting love lynx


  1. OMG!!! AMAZING! Your canvas is out of this world and ANYONE would LOVE to win one of those fab jewelry pieces! Thanks for the chance, hon! xxD

  2. OMG are you completely insane woman!! Who wouldn't want to win a piece of your freakin jewellery it is stunning. Love your canvas as well it looks immense to the highest order. You are a craft GODDESS. x

  3. WOW - the canvas is stunning but the jewellry is AWESOME. Anyone would be MAD not to want a piece of this.
    Ike xx

  4. OH MY WOWZERS BD Can i have them all please!!!!!!! PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!!!! You are freakinamazinglyawesome!!!!! I LOVE everything, I love you!!!! WICKEDLY WONDERFUL

  5. Fabulously cool canvas!! LOVE the skull jewelry!!

  6. Truely beautifull canvas and cool jewellry

  7. Are you kidding me, who wouldn't want to win one of your pieces, I they rock! Lovin the steampunk skull

  8. A STEAMPUNK SKULL!!!! OMG! I adore it!!!! Wow. It's totally fantastic.

    The jewelry is fabulous too, but that skull. Wow.

  9. How can you possibly have so much talent and so little confidence? Your canvas is, as always, gorgeous, and the more I see of your jewellery the more I want some! :D

  10. Oh. My. Word. Seriously??? I mean, seriously??? Do you honestly think that no one would want those pieces of art??? I make jewelry and I want them ALL!!! Especially the turquoise one! Holy crow, Black Dragon! And that's not even mentioning the amazing card. You drew the skull??? Sick. Perfect. But the jewelry...magnificent.

  11. Absolutely stunning work, Lynx! The canvas has so much detail, and the skull itself is seriously awesome. As for your jewelry... effing fantastic!!! All of that time not sleeping really pays off ;)

  12. First- your jewelry is STUNNING!
    second- your skull- LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! It could not be better, ever! You make stuff like this and I think that nothing will compare and it doesn't......until the next thing you make. Love your talent!

  13. AWESOME! U got some serious talent!!! I hope I did not add my blog hop too late, I was kept at work. boohoo! It's up now!

  14. Hi best bud

    As I have already told you your project is awesome and the jewelry is out of this world I feel lucky to own one of your pieces
    Luv Jane xxxxx

  15. Silly Dragon! Who wouldn't be honored to win such a treasure?! I would speak on the greatness of your goods, but the ladies have all spoken my words. You are amazing and your work is fabulous. I only wish we were closer in miles so I may learn the Dragon's Craft!

  16. Oh wow and double wow, your canvas is brilliant, first steampunk skull I've seen and it works so well with steampunk style.

    Your jewelry is just amazing, you are very talented.

    Frith x

  17. well I love it all, the canvas and the jewelry all of it I want it . it is awesome

  18. I LOVE your steam punk skull canvas!! soooo cool!

    and the red skull bracelet is very cool!!

    inky hugs,

  19. oh my goodness, amazing skullicious fantastic designs, both jewelry and canvas!! I am in love with the canvas!!! just wonderful.

  20. where do you find the time????? such amazing and lovely work!!!! fabolous!

  21. whoa nelly! your jewelry is gorgeous, but man, that altered piece totally rocks my world!!!! it is downright amazing! :)

  22. Your canvas is fantastic. The jewelry is incredible- I can't imagine anyone not wanting to win a prize from you.

  23. Love love love the canvas and the cute skully heart bracelets! :)

  24. Stunning jewelery Lyn, you've a great gift there. Why don't you to put them for sale on your blog so we can all have a chance to own one.
    x Michelle

  25. You must know this skull image is above amazing. The dimension given on this project. Just WOW.
    As to those pieces of jewellery, well, ANYONE would be proud to own something like those, and wear with pride

  26. OMG and WOW - the canvas is just jaw dropping LOVE IT and the jewelry is beautiful, who'd of thunk skulls could be so pretty! Thanks so much for sharing, loved looking at these.

  27. Wow wow wow!! I love your steampuk skull, he's freakin' amazing!!! The entire canvas is amazing, did I say wow yet? And your jewelry, holy cow woman it's awesome! Do you have an etsy shop?

  28. super cool stempunk skull! I love the 3-d!! and your jewls are to die for! you are so talented!!

  29. Oh my Goddess! This is freakin' awesome BD! - Love love love your steampunk Skully! Totally totally gorgeous canvas & the dimensionality is mesmerizing. Wow! I'm lovin' your jewelry too & hope you sell lots of them - way cool!

  30. You are amazing! Everything you do is just awesome and I am in awe of your great talents! The steampunk skully is incredible! The textures are great!

