Tuesday 21 September 2010


I am so sorry that i havent put my Dt projects up on time, so this is a long... very long post.... but this one is on time,as today is tuesday and at TUESDAY TAGGERS http://tuesdaytaggers.blogspot.com/ we have a new challenge choosen by my teamie Emma and its ANYTHING GOES.....
i tried to do something rather different for me.... i used black card and stamped the lady in white... the stamp is from THIRD COAST.... i then used white paint to completely colour that area so i could stamp on to it with black soot distress ink when dry..... i masked and stamped and embossed with white the ivy leaves fron creative impressions, coloured them with chinese white pencil.... used my water brush on the ladys face to blend and blur the ink to give her a misty appearance.... i used a white inksential gel pen to high light and cover my mistakes.... also to add dots and tendrils.... finally i added a white ribbon with a 'love' charm.... its all done on one layer so i can also enter it at STAMPINSANITY http://stampinsanity.com/blog/ as the challenge there is ONE LAYER.
I hope you can join us at Taggers this week.... OF CAUSE YOU CAN.... ITS ANYTHING!!!!Right now to back up a day..... MONDAY....
and its .....
MARCARBE MONDAYS http://haunteddesignhouse.blogspot.com/ .... the new challenge is
HORRIFIC HAUNTS...... i used a house from THIRD COAST and a tree from CHERRY PIE.... coloured with inks and creepy white eyes added to the windows..... i hope you can come and join in with us this week.... and you really do need to check out the rest of the DT's work .... these girls really know how to do creepy!

Finally.... just as you're losing the will to live..... here is my STAMPITCRAZY http://stampitcrazy.blogspot.com/ .....which should have been up on sunday but cos things went hey-wire it didnt..... ANYHOW..... the new challenge is RECYCLE OR REUSE.... I reused a recycle logo, mounted it onto recycled card, used an old boot lace to hang it.
The image is one of Barbs cute digis.... go check out her shop.... she has wonderful creepy stuff too!
So how about joining in this week and reuse or recycle something?

Thanks for visiting me today and if you made it this far.... you had better now go and have a cuppa and a choccy biccy!
love lynx


  1. Hi Lynx, I was starting to get worried, I hope you being busy was for good fun reasons and not for anything nasty. As always, I love all your work, and it looks like you're well on the way to winning the S&S vote, I was over there this morning voting and checking out the competition :D

  2. OMG Lyn WOW and you say you lost your mojo???
    I don't think so!! That lady in white is so... absolutely fantastic. I love the others of course but the TT is so cleverly done.
    Hope things are no worse at home and that Nan is improving.
    Love Helen xxx

  3. Hiya Lyn. WOW, WOW, WOW, what can you say with such amazing crafting and creativity. You really are just fantastic, but we know that already. Each one so different yet stunning. Wonderful job.
    I am off for a cuppa and choccy biscuit now, oh, and by the way.......PLEASE will you return my mojo back to me, no wonder you have had it so long, hahaha.
    Happy crafting.
    Lots of love, Sandra xx

  4. Gorgeous card! Love the technique you used and the result is very elegant. Thanks for joining us at StampInsanity!

  5. Did I ever tell you that your work is stunning? Absolutely gorgeous! It makes my mornings when I sit by my computer with some tea and get to view such spectacular eye candy from you!

  6. Fabulous creations Lynn the lady in white is stunning
    Anne xx

  7. Oh wow. Your first project stopped my heart, it is stunning. Certainly didn't expect to see even more fabulous creations. x

  8. I've read and reread how you did the your beautiful lady and I'm still mystified as to how you did it, I think it's STUNNING
    Von x

  9. OMG Lyn, I just love all of these. Do you know I'm going to get some black card stock now - a bunch of it. I love how black and white look, so serene and creepy. The first one is gorgeous, so elegant and delightful - what you did with the face is really amazing - wish I could do that. I love the house with the eyes - very spooky; great effect and lovely scene. The last one is great too - love that sassy little image. I really can't see how you lost your mojo...let me borrow it for awhile will ya?

  10. Awesome and reading how you did it WOW all that detailed work makes a wonderful art piece. As for everything else well you just blow my socks off xx Zoe

  11. Hi Lyn You do the most stunning work the black and white Is fantastic so detailed I love them all

  12. fantastic work, hope you don't mind I got an award passed on to my blog and passed it on to you x

  13. Oh man - Lynx! These are awesome! I LOVE the black and white - wow. That is freaking gorgeous!! Awesome! xx

  14. Wow Lyn what totally awesome creations, you really are a star. I absolutely adore the one for the TT challenge it is stunning.

  15. Wow, your creations are always jaw dropping. The black and white card is stunning. Thanks for sharing you fab work with us at StampInsanity.

  16. Wow! You're sooo creative!! Great work!

    Saskia :)

  17. hey BD i love you art ...im gunna get me some of them cherry pie stamps....hugs Anita
