Tuesday 14 September 2010


I am so sorry i am a day late posting this, but things have been chaotic here recently with my Nan being very unwell and she was taken into hospital yesterday.
The challenge this week at MACABRE MONDAYS IS........
Monochromatic Monstrosities
We want to see the grotesque and the monstrous, and we want you to do it in shades of only one color. But you can only choose from the following: black/grey, green, orange, or purple.

I used a stamp from THIRD COAST.... coloured with water colours.... and paper from basic grey.

Plain orange and black card stock, and a small bit of black ribbon from my stash.

Thank you so much for visiting me.... i hope to get some crafting done soon and to get back to my DT committments.
love lynx


  1. Love your monochromatic card!

  2. Hiya Lyn. A brilliant creation as always, love the colour with the additional ribbon. Fabulous.
    You take care of yourself, just to let you know you are in my thoughts.
    Lots of love, Sandra xx

  3. Fabulous piece, and well done you for being brave and choosing the orange option. I hope you get some good news about your Nan, and don't worry about blogging while you have family issues going on (((hugs)))

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your Nana hope she is better very soon. Your card is absolutely gorgeous it is so deliciously well the only way I can describe it is smooth like chocolate (sound nuts!) anyway fantastic and keep your chin up x

  5. As others have said before..... Absolutely fantastic..... as always. Hope your Nan is better and things at home get easier. You're in my thoughts always
    Love Helen xx

  6. I love this. Great color and stamp image. Sending well wishes for your Nan.

  7. Love it Lynx! the orange is stunning and I adore the image. Hoping for good news for your Gran. xxD

  8. The orange is so groovy and the pumpkin so perfectly shaded! Gosh, how I love your work. I especially love that winged temptress! The webs are gruesomely perfect - I'm beginning to really dig the macabre stuff! :-)

  9. love this girlie!!

    thinking about you lots and sending lots of white and warm light your way =)

