Monday 23 August 2010


It's monday so its time for MACABRE MONDAYS new challenge...... this one nearly gave me a heart attack...... and it sure drove me to the brink of insanity!
The challenge is..........................
Pink on the Brink
You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween page, project or card using pink in an edgy and dark way. Edgy & pink... what puts you on the brink? The brink of insanity... the brink of catastrophe... the brink of death?Bonus: This week's challenge is being sponsored by Tickled Pink Stamps! I'm not sure what the prize is, but you can bet it will be a goodie! The link above will take you directly to Kellie's store, but they also have a blog site here: Tickled Pink Blog

I painted a small box a dreadful shade of bubblegum pink..... 'borrowed' some tattoos ( you know the kind.... apply with water... rub off with baby oil) from my daughters, and put them on the sides of the box..... but ....crikey they were to small for the top so i cut out the image from the packed and glued it on.
I stamped a fake zipper around the opening edges and 'cracks' and finally blackened all the edges.
Considering it is really pink... and i do mean PINK it turned out ok with 3 coats of sealer..... it shines like the proverbial toilet door.
If i can do pink anyone can.... so i hope you can come and play with us minions this week........ please?
Thanks for visiting love lynx


  1. this is just fantastic and Im not that hot on pink either but this is brilliant x

  2. Hiya Lyn. Fantastic work again. I won one of these boxes from you and it sits on my desk right here, so I know the quality and hard work that you put into this, just brilliant.
    Absolutely fabulous and a real work of art. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  3. haaaaaaaaaa! You had to use pink! I needed that laugh on a monday morning! Seriously, you did a FANTASTIC job on this! I love it!

  4. Ohhh wow !! Love the idea of pink being used this way.... and wow do you do it well
    Love it !!
    Hugs June x

  5. You knocked this baby out of the park, Lynx! this is as fab as can be! That shade of pink makes me think of Pepto Bismol which makes me think of PUKE! That creeps it up for sure! LOL xxD

  6. Well, I have to tell you, you really did a pinked up job on this beauty - I'm loving the pink and skull with that beautiful pink bow! HAHA Soooo darn cute, Lyn! I love that fake zipper - how cool is that! The stamping is great because it looks gotta tell me how you did that one day. I love the look!

  7. Adorable and creepy! Great work.


  8. OMG Lyn this is fantastic, I always love your boxes, they are beautiful. But my daughter said it was punky, that means she loves it.
    You do rise to the challenge and produce some gorgeous creations.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  9. Hehehe - yes you got to work with pink as a challenge - I had to do Tilda - a hard life we lead - least I got to shock the purists out there by doing mine green!! hehehe
    I still have to do my pink thing tho - hard going.

  10. One more pink thing though - if you'll accept it from me to you, for being so inspirational and a great blogging buddy - on my blog

  11. Love it love it love it i need say no more. Love....Suexx
