Monday 16 August 2010


Well i am back.... and as its monday its gotta be MACABRE.
Our challenge for you this week is to use at least 3 stamps..... they can be digi or real rubber.... or a mix....whatever you like.
STAMPITCRAZY..... the link is on my side bar..... are sponsoring this challenge with some wonderful stamps as the prize..... and as anyone who comes here regularly knows i adore Barbs images.... Thank you Barb! For my offering i have used 4 stamps from STAMPITCRAZY..... and made up one of my little scenes...... i used the creepytree/graveyard stamp for my background..... then stamped our the row of graves twice and cut then out carefully and mounted them onto foam in front of the other.... i used a grave stone (the stamp actually has a hand grasping from behind the stone but i cut it off) and the beautiful sad angel stamp and attached them with foam pads too.

As usual for me ...everything is coloured with water colours and ink.
We have a competition running at MM this week and you all have to collect the 'personal' info from each of the DT heres my personal secret..... 'Bat out of hell' was played at my husbands funeral.
I hope you can play along this week.... the stamps really are worth winning....and you need to check out what the other MACABRE MINIONS have made..... wonderful stuff!
Thanks for visiting me today. love lynx


  1. Stunning! You never fail to inspire! This is just gorgeous!!!

  2. Stunning work, Lyn! Your colouring is so beautiful

  3. Absolutely gorgeous - as usual
    Helen xx

  4. Your scenes are just the BEST, Lynx! Just love it framed in the arch. Fantastic work, as always! xxD

  5. I absolutely love this, I love your little scenes they always look so fantastic, love the stamps and colouring, amazing work x

  6. Absolutely stunning work. Thanks for sharing.


  7. Lyn, this is fantastic and when I saw it on the other blog I said, I bet that's Lyn's! Dark and creepy in a wonderful way...the graveyard scene has always given me the creepers and this one is nice and dark but I love the sad angel stamp - she is sad indeed. Bat out of hell is a song? I always say King Mufasa drives like a bat out of hell...a saying I've always heard growing up. Hmmm...Glad to have you back, my dear! :-)

  8. Wonderful card. Isn't that angel a little 'cute' though? ;)

  9. Gorgeous Lyn love it
    Anne xx

  10. Love those gravestones and the creepy tree. Just brilliant and everso slightly weird! Superb combination.

    Janet xx

  11. That is awesome! Great selection of stamps!

  12. I have missed your art so much. I'm so glad to have you back. Hauntingly beautiful, as always.

  13. It's hard to believe this is a card! Simply amazing!

  14. Wow this took my breath away, amazing, wish it was mine lol. Come visit my blog I have a giveaway going on, it's a couple of posts back but youll find it *Hugs* Candace

  15. Stunning work as always, my friend! Love love LOVE it!
