Monday 2 August 2010

Macabre mondays

Well its still monday... just! and the new challenge for you creepy freakers is FOUL FLUTTERINGS.
I have used this fantastic laughing devil stamp.... i think i got it from THIRD COAST...but if i'm wrong please correct me.
I stamped the image directly on to this piece of gorgeous digi-paper that i got from ... susan who designs the most wonderful 'dark and creepy' papers is also a MACABRE MINION..... and is gonna say 'what have you done to my paper you techno-idiot?' ..... my reply will be..... ' well.... i had the printer set on black ink only when i printed this page out.... BUT I LIKE IT... SO I'M USING IT!' The paper you would get is actually coloured but you can print it in black and white like i have !!!!! Anyhow back to the image.... i coloured him in shades of grey and the added a bit of red to the mix and did his wings and some of his body.... i added white highlights using a gel pen to the devil and the flowers.
I finished the card off with some black ribbon and a tibetan silver rose..... and i stamped a sort of lace design around the edges.

Isn't this devil wonderful..... i actually find him rather appealing!SAD hey?
Please join in this challenge if you can... we love seeing creepy, freaky, weird or wacky.... even cute if its got a green tinge!
Thanks for visiting me.... love lynx


  1. Hiya Lyn, how are you my friend. You make the most amazing creations and this is another of them. You have a wonderful talent for bringing things to life. Love the colours too. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  2. Oh this is fab, and I love the papers stripped of their colour too, you're a genius! :D

  3. Brilliant Lyn just love the devil

  4. Fabulous! I have the same stamp, but he is facing the other direction and has been stripped of his wings. Must use him soon...

  5. this turned out fabulous Lyn....what a great stamp...and your coloring is perfect...

    Nancy T.

  6. Beyond brilliant work as always, my sinister soul sister :) Love the touch of red with the b/w! I am so lucky to have you as a Minion :)
