Monday 30 August 2010

Macabre mondays

It is still actually monday and of cause its MACABRE......
Last week it was PINK...... and this week it is.......

Creepy Cute
You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween page, project or card using cute images, but on the darkside. Turn something adorable into something abominable... something delightful into something devious... something cute into something creepy. Or just grab one of TI's Gothic cute images and start coloring ;)
Bonus: This week's challenge is being sponsored by Tiddly Inks! Christy Croll is a children's illustrator who also happens to have several delightful lines of original digital images & papers... of the cute & whimsical variety :) Christy has so generously donated a $10 & a $5 gift certificate for two winners! We'll do a random draw for the $5, and the Best of the Best will get the $10 one :) The link above will take you directly to Christy's store, but she also has a blog site here: Tiddly Inks Blog

I used a TIDDLY INKS image and digi paper.... the image is coloured with promarkers,the digi-paper i printed out onto purple paper and coloured the skulls with chinese white pencil.

I used the paper to cover a sturdy box...base and lid.... cut out the image and modpodged it on and sealed it.

I lined the box with some foam and spiders web material.
This little box hold the pressie i have made for my sisters birthday on wednesday....

....... and this is it..... a watch/charm bracelet.
Please come and join in this week..... creepy cute..... it is.... looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.
thanks for visiting love lynx


  1. I love your jewelry! My birthday is Dec. 30th...hint...hint!

    I can't believe you with more pink! At least you have the purple and green in the mix as well! For a minute there, I thought they locked you in the insane asylum and you were using "happy" colors in attempts to get an early discharge!

    I do love your project despite my ribbing!

  2. Fabulous box Lyn, love the colours, and your watch bracelet is simply stunning, hope your sister has a wonderful birthday :D

  3. You have one very lucky sister there. The whole project is beautiful...... even if it is pink!!! Hope she has a great day.
    H xx

  4. extremely gorgeous and the image is super fab x

  5. Oh bizarre image and creepy LOL and stunning. Suspect your Sister will love both box and gift. xx Zoe

  6. Lyn, you're so fantastic! That watch bracelet is gorgeous - I know your sister will just adore it! I love the image and the box - pink is such a fun color, isn't it? HEeheeh....
