Wednesday 19 May 2010

Tuesday taggers

Hi all you wonderful Taggers and a HUGE THANK YOU to you all for playing along with us and making our first 12 months such fun.
To celebrate our bloggerversary we wanted to give everyone a present but if we made them all ourselves it would take us all next year so we thought of a way for everyone to get a little pressy and a piece of cake and that's the challenge for this week!

The rest of the instuctions are on the TUESDAY TAGGERS blog.... click on my title to check it out.

My tag using Teri's lovely cake image.... free for you if you want it before next monday, is embossed onto metal.... the metal is Browner than it looks in the photo but i am no good at photos.... photos are another thing on my not good at list!

The ribbons are brown...chocolate brown and i have now put a cream one on as well cos when i took this pic i couldnt find my cream ribbon for the life of me....typical hey?

We the team are all putting our tags up for swapping.... please come and join in the swap.... even though one of you poor souls will get mine!

Thanks for stopping by and PLEASE come and join in our birthday fun challenge.

love lynx


  1. Wow Lyn! How cool that you chose to do this in metal! Love it! xxD

  2. Love all of your projects! Teri's cake in metal is stunning!

  3. That's a gosh darn lovely tag, Lyn - love the embossed metal. I've got to figure out how to do that! Love that cake design too - great swapping stuff! :-)
