Tuesday 30 March 2010

Tuesday taggers

Well it is TUESDAY TAGGERS and it is still tuesday.... good for me hey?
This weeks theme is BUGS..... can be any bugs you like.... flu, chicken pox.... oh sorry, bee's beetles, butterflies, whatever takes your fancy.
My teamie at Taggers Teri has been unwell this this i made with her in mind.
The bugs i have had for what seems like ever, the man's face is from STAMPITCRAZYhttp://stampitcrazy.blogspot.com/..... you really need to go there and become a follower as Barb is a sweetheart and as well as that has more stamps up as followers candy.
This atc is coloured with distress inks that i brought from the CRAFT BARN http://thecraftbarn.co.uk/ WHO ARE SPONSORING THIS WEEKS CHALLENGE.
Please come and play along.... you can do something really lovely.... not daft like i have.
thanks for looking xxxlynx


  1. I love this! Those little bugs have such wonderful expressions!

  2. This is fabulous lyn a really imaginative take on the theme x Janet

  3. Hey how you doing I have gotan award for you on my blog, have a good day I like your card & hope Teri feels better soon.

  4. LOL love this such a brill idea for a get well card and another wonderful wacky make from you.

  5. This really made me smile. Such a clever and unique card. Brilliant mate!
    Pat xx

  6. Love it! This is great! So super and what a guys card! Enter it with us at Sweet Stampin this com'n Saturday! OOOPS I let the next challenge out of the bag to you! This card ROCKS! Love you work as always!
    Rach ~ Queen La Rubba

  7. I got to say....This made me laugh, thank you for the plug.... I HOPE your packages arrive this week, I am just sick about it!!!

  8. What a brilliant card it realy made me smile

  9. This would light anyones face up who is feeling bad.. fantastic work hun.
