Tuesday 23 March 2010

Tuesday taggers

It is my turn to pick the challenge at TUESDAY TAGGERS this week and i have chosen ALTER-SOMETHING..... anything you fancy....photoframe, glass jar, book cover.... anything.... i have altered a lightswitch.... they are such nasty boring things usually and i saw one that a friend on smeared and smudged had done ... albeit she is an American and theres are wooden plates .. more like a protecotor than a switch but thats beside the point... thanks Kathi for giving me the inspiration.
Anyway i was gonna take the one off my bedroom wall til i removed the screws and it has wires attached!!!! My god... it scared me! So i rummaged in the shed and found this one..... i used alcohol inks as a background and stamped some bats and some bubbles in black archival ink. i have done the edges in gold gilding.
I asked my dad to put it up in my bedroom and he looked at it and asked why my bats were upside down.... i said dont be daft just turn it around.... he looked at me dumb struck , then said 'lyn if you look on the inside it has an arrow and the word UP.... you twit you have made it upside down'.... so it wont be going up instead of the plain old white one.... well not until i alter it again!
Please come and play along with us.... just make sure whatever you alter is the right way up!
Thanks for visiting me ... go check out all the other taggers.... there is enough inspiration amongst those guys to keep you altering for weeks.
love lynx


  1. I never thought to alter a light switch what an awesome idea though, you did a great job, despite your little mishap! i hope you get the time to check out the post that I featured you in to let every one know what an amazing person you are! *BIG HUGS* Candace

  2. Toyally amazing Lyn and a fabulous idea. Now which room do I start with.......
    Lovely to meet you this weekend, you're a star!
    x Michelle

  3. Lyn, super job on this - I love that your dad said it was upside down - HAHAHAHA - I thought that was funny. What a great idea - I have to do a light plate - after I practice on paper first! I'll remember which side is up too...so cute! ;D

  4. Amazing idea Lyn, it looks fab
    Love the story of your dad spotting you've done it upside down lol, just the sort of thing I'd do
    Claire xx

  5. Amazing alteration, the bubbles look like moons. Who would have guessed that these things have a right way up? I'd put it up anyway and watch peeps decide which switch to us LOL

  6. Oh this is FAB! Don't re-do your switch, just nail all your furniture to the ceiling so it matches :P

  7. I love that you were called a "twit!" Hilarious story! But woah! What an awesome project you created! t looks amazing!

  8. Hi Lyn

    This is just awesom, so clever and inventive.

    Also lovely take on RD's challenge this time.

    B x

  9. Fab project, Lyn! Hope things have got back to normal after your weekend away x
