Tuesday 23 February 2010

Tuesday taggers..... GET MESSY!

What a great challenge this week.... i always get messy and work in total chaos.... but to actually take a picture of it? Now that was a challenge! I had to wash my hands to get the camera so you cant see the state my hands were in but i'm sure you can imagine!
I have altered a little set of drawers.... painted them with a paint i mixed... matt black with just a hint of glitter.... stamped and embossed every side and then sanded it.... my grandad couldnt believe i'd do all that work then attack it with a sanding block.... he watched in amazement.... unfortunatly he'd forgotten by tea time and asked where i got the 'box' but hey.... thats grandad! I highlighted edges and corners with gold, then sanded... had an awful lot of fun.... really i should have photographed my trousers as they were filthy as i sanded it on my lap in the kitchen.
I used T!m Holtz stamps and china white embossing powder.
Please come and join us this week.... i really cant wait to see what you create but mostly i wanna see everyones mess.... will it be worse than mine? I doubt it!
Thanks for stopping by hugs lynx

This i shall also enter into http://otherlovelies-suzanne.blogspot.com/ challenge, although it is supposed to be a card the challenge is RAK... A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS and this i shall give to my dear blogging sparring partner OZ as she liked it and i have been lucky enough to win some of her fantastic art work


  1. wow! that's alot of work for a little box but your talent shines thru. it's fabulous!

  2. Fabulous box! I love it and want it! Who made those stamps? I don't recognize them at all and I love that swirly edge stamp.

  3. I think this is awesome! You put so much work in to it and it shows! My space gets really messy too, but that's when you know you're creating something great!

  4. Lyn, you continue to amaze me with the beautiful things you create! You always go out of the box and consistently have the most amazing projects! This is superb! I definitely could never do that - you can easily see the city scape there! It's totally awesome! ;D

  5. Lyn....this box is amazing...i wish i could do something like this....hope you are keeping well...love and hugs Nikki xxx

  6. wowza, this is gorgeous hun!!!
    blessings, Maria

  7. Such a fabulous project Lyn you really do some amazing things with your crafting stash.
    Love Pat xx

  8. Absolutely fantastic! Thanks for playing along with the other lovelies thoughtful thursdays challenge! Any RAK works for me. I'm so not picky!

  9. The messier the better and this box turned out beautifully!
