Thursday 18 February 2010

Raise the bar

The challenge at 'Raise the bar'.... my 1st time there.... is 'BE MINE FOREVER'... and no its not a mushy valentine theme is something you could not create/craft/live without..... well for me i could never give up my black ink, and my creepy stamps... or non-creepy stamps actually... they are mine all MINE!!!
The devils head comes from and the faerie (i cut her wings off) comes from the fence i cant remember where i got it..... i have used water colour pencils and ink to colour and chinese white for highlights.
Thanks for taking time to visit.
xxx lynx


  1. WOW ... what a unique creation and awesome coloring!! Thanks for joining us at Raise The Bar. I can't wait to see what you create next challenge!!

  2. WOW Lyn, as always you take my breath away, I love this.....hope you are well my dear friend. Love Avril xxx
