Sunday 7 February 2010


The theme this week at MACABRE MONDAYS is PURPLE HAZE.... and after a lot of thinking about it, i decided to make yet another atc.... no surprise there then!
When my son was younger and riding a massive high powered Honda Fire Blade... i used to get myself in a 'purple-haze' worrying about him, so i tried to convey the 'feeling'.....
Death following.... speed.... etc.... all very inner meaning stuff.
I used inkadinkadoo rock 'n' roll skull.... and the biker and mans face (the gorgeous jonny depp) are from STAMPITCRAZY.... and now i'm looking at this its my boy on the bike going like the clappers of hell with death over his shoulder but his dead dad (jonny depp I WISH!!!!!) watching over him.... TOLD YA IT WAS ALL INNER MEANING STUFF!!!
It doesnt look so purple on here as it does in the 'flesh'.... the skull and bike are stamped in purple, jonny in black, and its all coloured with various shades of purple watercolours and inks, with some chinese white pencil stroked from the bike to indicate speed.... and of cause black ink smudged round the edges.
Thanks for looking... have a great sunday.
hugs lynx


  1. Ahhh I like that! I get the PS- I don't make

  2. wow, we were both married to Johnny Depp?? Go figure. this is really cool, speed, fear, death... angel of love! Mercy mercy me... Oz

  3. Jew dropping stuff and powerful heavy rock album cover stuff, love it and its messy! all that ink to spread around. Yeah even without the story behind it this grabs you where you live.

  4. I love the imagery...I had the thought in my head before you told the story! Spooky!
    It seems Johnny is a serial bigamist 'cos I could have sworn it was really me he had the hots for! LOL
    P.S. your comments the other day made me feel all warm inside :) thank you.

  5. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.

    First, I took a closer look at your ATC and then read your text so I can say that I felt the meaning of your atc before I read it.

    I love the stamps, too, especially the skull - and of course Johnny Depp. It seems that I stepped directly into a nest of fans. Well, I'll bring some biscuits and then we figure out which one he likes most. lol

    Ohh, I try very hard to play with macabre monday every week but sometimes my mind is not fast enough with cooming up with some ideas. But as you say - the challenge is a welcome change from the normal.


  6. Yes, Stef H. is right - James Dean was the first name that came into my mind. But at least I got the initials lol

  7. This ROCKS!! I knew I would love whatever you created, but this goes beyond that! This is AWESOME!!!

  8. Lyn, this is positively superb! There is a hint of purple. It looks very speed-racer type...I was thinking Evil Kinevil...(sp?). I tried water coloring was messy...good that you are excellent at it! ;D

  9. Lynx... for whatever reason, my comment did not show up... I'm so sorry!

    What I said was that I LOVE how personal you've made this small piece... so much meaning in such a tiny card! I also totally dig the layering of stamp images! Thanks for playing along with Macabre Monday!
