Wednesday 6 January 2010


The theme at tuesday taggers this week is CLASSIC BLACK and WHITE..... ALTHOUGH mine looks grey... it is black and white... i stamped the image in black ink and high lighted areas with white mica powder.... in real life its quite pretty... my photography isnt up to much.
The eyes and lips are coloured with water colour pencils just to bring her to life.
Please come and join us this week for the 1st challenge of the new year.... and you really do need to see the other DT's work...WOW!
Thanks for looking hugs lynx


  1. Gorgeous image works so well with the touches of colour it just pops. As for a bad picture no way it shows the work of really well.

  2. fantastic!! i love the image and how the colour really brings her to life.luv coops.xx

  3. I love your images, Lyn - this is really great! Just love it, girl! ;D

  4. hello lyn !!!!
    thank you for your lovely comment and good wishes for 2010 !!
    i also wish you the very best in your life .. and in your creative life !!
    and me.. i also love your (darkart)work !!!
    al the best for your son and little girls and grandparents too !!

  5. Gorjus gorjus work Lynn.

    Happy New Year !

    love Karen x

  6. Wow this is beautiful and so dramatic! *Hugs* Candace

  7. Fabulous Lynn, hope all is well with you and yours.
    Love, Pat xx

  8. I don't know, looks pretty grey to me... of course it just looks pretty! Hey hows the bumps and bruises healing? Are ya almost back to your ole self yet? Sending you all the best of wishes. Oz

  9. great image lyn really like how you have coloured her eyes and lips.

    hugs clare x

  10. This is cool! I love how you only emphasized her lips and eyes!

  11. Love what you did with the eyes and lips. Beautiful work. I have seen you work before and have always admired it.
