Monday 7 December 2009


The challenge at SOPHISTICATS this week took me about 2million miles out of my comfort zone.... Lisa choice of challenge is.... A VERSE and FLOWERS.....NO IMAGE!!!!
Well this is it.... white embossed card... gold mirri card, gold foiled verse from one of last years Christmas cards and leaves punched from white glitter card and gold mirri card. I also used 3 paper rose buds, 3 sml white silk flowers and 3 punched flowers plus tiny little white silk flower heads..... how unlike me is this????.... oh nearly forgot 3 gems in the corner.... i am now having black ink withdrawal symptoms... better go and get my fix now.
Please come and play along with this weeks challenge, we had masses of entries last week and it was great fun looking at everyones art work... plus i'm just really nosy and love all the inspiration out there in blogland.
Thanks for looking,
hugs lynx