Thursday 31 December 2009

corrosive challenge... sunday gone

This is my DT piece for sunday gone... i am sorry its late but this week has just disappeared on me with all the visitors and visiting thats gone on.
The challenge is NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS..... something i never do as i always break em.... but this year 2010 is gonna see a lot of changes for me.... have crafty things in the pipeline, and changes in my personal life are coming as well so i have one very simple resolution for myself and all my blogging buddies..... LOVE AND BE LOVED.
PLEASE pop on over to CORROSIVE and enter the challenge.... i'd love to see what you all what to resolve to do this coming year.
My atc is just stamped and coloured with ink and watercolours.
I wish you all love, good health, and loads of happiness in 2010.
Thanks for visiting my blog this year and i hope you continue to do so next year. I am so happy and proud to have over 70 followers... you are all special to me because you have followed me with no insentives ...... NO candy.... NO freebies.... NOTHING.... THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.
In the new year i shall do a CANDY prize just for you blogging buddies...PROMISE.
love and hugs to you all.... lynx


  1. Lovely ATC Lyn! Have a very Happy New Year too! ;p

  2. This is lovely.

    Happy New Year.


  3. Stunning !

    Thank you for the gorjus Christmas card and a very Happy New Year to you and your family.

    Love Karen x

  4. Happy New Year, Happy New You Lynne.
    Lovely ATC and a simple new year's resolution.
    Christine xx

  5. Happy New Year,
    what a wonderful resolution Lyn and a wonderful ATC

  6. To BE LOVED is easy, cos I DO.......Happy New Year my dear friend, I will give you a call as soon as my phone is back was so great talking to you......and your girls sound good enough to eat.....mmmmm.....much love Avril xxxx

  7. Wonderful resolution that I know you will have no problem keeping up the whole year :)

    Love your art too - everything is fabulous - I didn't know you had a blog, I have got loads to catch up on now.
    take care xx Karen
