Wednesday 18 November 2009

With the Angels

This is FABLE.... my beautiful parson jack russell, who had been ill for a while, she had major surgery at the end of february, seemed to be doing well considering her age... she was 16 back in june... but last week she stated to go down hill very quickly... i sat with her day and night from friday until monday at 10.20am when ZAK the nicest, kindest most caring vet imaginable said that this was the end... no amount of money would make her well again, there was nothing more he could do and i needed to let her go to sleep, end her pain,and let her go... i held her whilst my dad held me... THANK YOU DAD .... I LOVE YOU.... it broke my heart but i finally let her go... i killed my darling little dog... i miss her so much... i havent been to bed since monday... she slept with me and my bed is empty without her.
I know its just a matter of time, and getting rid of the feeling of guilt... my head tells me i was right to end her suffering but my heart tells me i killed her.... i love her and miss her and honestly dont know what i'm gonna do without her, she was so special to me.


  1. Aww Lyn so sorry to hear this - our pets mean so much to us and get deep into our hearts. Sending you a huge (hug)friend - She was obviously a very lucky girl to have a Mum who cared so deeply about her x Janet

  2. oh lynx, i'm soooo sorry. but please know that you did everything you could possibly do.


  3. so sorry to hear this as I know exactly how you feel hugs cheryl x

  4. Lyn i am so are in my thought hugs nikki xx

  5. Oh I am so sorry to hear about your Fable, I know it is no concelation at this time but she is in no more pain. My heart goes out to you and sending you a big hug x

  6. I am so sorry for your loss... you and yours are in my thoughts.

  7. Lyn, my special friend.You know I'm here for you.just the other end of the phone. I would be there if you wanted me to. Sending you my love and warmth at this sad time.
    Love you.

  8. Lyn,
    Hun I am so so sorry to hear about Fable - I have been there too - such a dark place - but the light will come back. I still miss my Ben and he has been gone three years now but reading things like this bring it all back and always make me cry - so I have cried with you my friend (bit awkward at work tho!! - everyone thinks I'm bonkers). {{{{HUGS}}}}} to you my friend - it will get easier - promise!! Hugs
    Dawn xxx

  9. Oh Lyn, what a heartbreaking story - my eyes filled with tears as I read it. I know the pain of losing a much loved friend - it nevers goes away - it just hurts less as time goes by. Please don't feel guilty about letting her go. It would have been cruel to keep her going for your own sake. She is at peace now and you know that with you she had a good life.
    Beryl xxxx

  10. Lyn I so want to cry for you, your darling Fable is just a gorgeous wee dog....take care my darling girl, huge Hugs on there way from Edinburgh, and you know how to contact me, should you WISH......Love ya Girl. Hugs Avril xxxx

  11. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your sweet Fable. It is much harder to make the decision to actively let her go than to just let her die "naturally". You have done the right thing to have ended her pain, she could not make that decision for herself, but you have been able to do it for her, you should be praised for that ! It shows you are a caring and loving person :) I hope that soon the happy memories will push the pain of loosing her to the background. Big hug !

  12. aww poor pudding. She's in a better place now happy with no pain. I totally understand how you feel. Its hard. My thoughts are with you chicken x

  13. Lyn, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know it is difficult for you and my thoughts are with you at this time of sadness. I'm glad you had a lot of years and gave your beloved a lot of love. Do take care my dear. Hugs and love. ~Terry

  14. Such sad news... be kind to yourself..hugs.. A'isha

  15. So sorry to hear this...I can 'hear' the love in your writing!!
    take care!
    Blessings, Maria

  16. So sad to lose a friend, you didn't kill your baby, you performed the last kindness that a loving friend can do and released her from her pain, she is watching over you and thanking you from Rainbow Bridge {{big hugs}}

  17. Aww Lyn, I just saw this and it breaks my heart. My doggies are getting old and now, though I pray they'll be around for a while longer yet. But one thing you really must reinforce when you take on the responsibility for any animal is that you have to be prepared to let it go when the time is right, and your little doggie couldn't have wished for a better person than you to make that decision for her. I hope you're feeling better about the decision you made for her because if you had left her to go naturally, I think your guilt would have been much more intense and last for much longer. You didn't kill her, you helped her slip comfortably, peacefully and with dignity into the next world. Sending you big hugs. x

  18. Hiya Lyn, I to have been exactly in the same persition as you nearly 8 years ago with my pooch Brandy, i grew up with her since i was a baby and broke my heart when i had to hold her whilst the vet put her to sleep. Please don't feel guilty babe, you have to remember you did the right thing for her so she didn't suffer, what i did and still do now is imagine she's up on the clouds above you snug and warm, that way where ever you are she can see you and you can look up and reflect. you didn't kill her hunni, you did what anyone with a heart would do you helped her, i do hope your ok, sending you big hugs at this sad time babe, they grow to become a part of your family and apart of you, and you must hold on to your memories of her and with time the pain will ease babe
    hugs carlyann xxxx
