Sunday 8 November 2009

The three muses...2wks in one

I missed last weeks challenge at the 'muses' which was to include a chicken in your art work, so i decided to combine that challenge with this weeks which is anything you want as long as there are two of them.... so i used a stamp of 2 chickens... thats the 'lovely pair' bit and as a mother of twins i made a quip about them being a 'pain'. Dont know where i got the stamps or who made them.. sorry... but this atc is coloured with pencils and inks as always and i just wrote the words on.
Thank you for taking time to look.
hugs lynx


  1. That is so funny! And clever to combine two challenges into one. Kids, who'd 'ave 'em, indeed, and - yes- some can be a pain in the backside! Great work! Thanks for the chuckle.

  2. Ah Miss Blackdragon what an absolute hoot this is. It really brought the biggest smile to my face this morning. Bravo.

  3. Double the pleasure, double the pain! A mother of twins should know. Great bi-entry, my dear, very clever. Thanks for playing along and bringing us a smile!

  4. Brilliant and witty Lyn. A fab stamp you've used there!
    x Michelle

  5. Love your work: very much my kind of thing! thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower ;o) I hope this goes thru, first comment I did came up with error message, hugs Nettie
