Tuesday 29 September 2009

Tuesday taggers.... 1st week as full time DT member

As some of you know i have been a part time member of the TUESDAY TAGGERS DT for a little while now, but last week they invited me and the other part timers to go full time so of cause i said yes.... Taggers being one of the 1st challenges i ever did and them usually being a little different from the 'norm'.... i was dead chuffed.
Any how heres my atc.... SCRAPZ is were i brought the stamp.... its stamped in black, and i've used midnight blue, deep purple, forrest green and black ink to colour the background. the moon is done using a mask and silver and gold ink. The trees are highlighted with a gold pen.
I like doing this darker more atmospheric stuff.... i keep trying cutie stuff but its not really me.
Thank you for looking love lynx


  1. Sop glad to see you back posting again. Not sure if my last comment made it. I think I clicked away too quickly. It must have been a mammoth task moving all your craft stuff. Hope you and it are happy in the summerhouse. Well done for getting onto the design team full time. You deserve it. Love the treescape.
    Beryl xx

  2. this is great un brill work as usuall well done on getting onto design team love cheryl xxxxx

  3. Oh I so love this!! have you ever seen the Art Trader Magizine? free download, I think you would like it! I download it everytime it comes out, there is one out now and the new one comes out Oct. 1st. http://www.arttradermag.com/ http://www.arttradermag.com/issues.html Enjoy!!!

  4. how wonderful and well deserved.


  5. I love the somber serene feel to this! Just beautiful!

  6. wooo hooo girlfriend...this is super duper! I love it. It really takes me on a journey. Beautiful work and WELL DONE on full time at Tuesday Taggers. I shall pop over and take a look and support my friend with a hopefull entry??? :o)
    Luv n hugs

  7. Such a beautiful ATC. I love the blacks and greys and the way the moon is .. how wonderful does this look x

  8. This is truely beautiful Lyn - I love the atmospheric stuff too xx Glad you are pleased about joining us every week we love your work xx Janet

  9. what a wonderfull piece of stampin !!!!
    i love the gloomy site of stamping too .. as you know !!!being halloween or not !!
    i love this forestscenery !!
    greetings, your friend ineke

  10. Hi Lyn, seem to have taken forever to catch up with you, hope our grandparents and our girls are better now, I had Brian decorating Jenny's room last weekend and the house was in chaos so here is how it was for you with a new boiler and sick peeps......hope things are looking up now my friend, isn't it exciting that we are now full time TT's I am over the moon, as this too was one off the 1st challenges I did, they started their challenges just as I started blogging....great to be working with you full time my friend. hugs to you and your family, Avril xxxx
