Ah Beloveds ! The sisters of darkness at
SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM hath set forth a Challenge to all who toil in Design Teams for other Masters and Mistresses. They doth challenge us to bring forth our most accomplished creations that hath been subjected to transformation, so that they doth appear to be that which they are not. The Challenge hath been dubbed "
FAUX FINISHES". Forsooth - such a cunning theme was laid down by the Victors of the first such Challenge - the fair Minions of the
Haunted Design House.
Fi !!! How they doth strive to test us, yet the Minions of The Master hath risen to such heights and hath produced fineries that doth astound the eye.
Lest ye hath a hankering to enter such a quest, thou shalt compete in teams of 3 under the title of thy masters' realm and having submitted thy creations thou shalt be judged by thy Peers and votes cast, whereupon the next victors shalt chose a theme of their liking for the next Challenge, and receive the accolades of the vanquished. Thou shalt then receive a fine Banner to display within thy Realm.
Good luck and fortune to other adversaries :-)
Feast thine eyes thusly............................Thanks to Ike for the wonderful wording... my project is an altered kiddies board book, made into a shrine to POE.
Above is it closed............... below its open.
I have so many FAUX FINISHES on this....... FAUX brickwork, FAUX render,FAUX plaster,FAUX stonework, FAUX moss,FAUX copper patina, FAUX rusty metalwork...... its all just a complete FAKE really but the cross is real wood.... lolly sticks!
Close up....hope you can see the Ghostly Poe in the plaster, in the photo above and below.
Years of decay have left the brickwork exposed, its been patched up but that too has fallen into
dis-repair. The metal plate is tanished and over grown. The once beautiful portrait of the master
has rusted and the image flawed. |
Holes were rodents now make their homes. |
Cracks appearing and rust on the ironwork....below you can see the stones of the arch are crunbling,
the decay is evident..... this shrine to the master needs to be loved and cherished. |
Well that it my reminder to come and join us at
QUOTH THE RAVEN..... where you can view the other two FAUX FINISH project that make up our teams entry......
and join in our challenge which is ANYTHING POES.
Come and visit the SMEARED AND SMUDGED FORUM..... vote on the DESIGN TEAM THROWDOWN.... maybe you belong to a designteam that would like to take part in this fun challenge.... all the rules are there to be seen....and very simple.
Voting Starts: Thursday March 28 at 12:01 am
Voting Ends: Friday March 29 at midnight (email your team's theme choice before this date JIK you are the winners!)
Winner Announced: Saturday March 30 by noon
New Challenge Posted: Sunday March 31 by noon
Thanks for visitng BDx
I'd like to enter the following challenges...