Sorry i have been MIA for over a week, i have been rather poorly, but on the mend now, and hopefully back into my DT stuff soon. Its Monday so its gotta be MACABRE..... Ok, macabre fans... your challenge this week: "Zombie Apocalypse" You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based zombie project in a suitably macabre fashion. They are coming to get you... well you might be redeemed if you come up with a suitably macabre zombie creation............ ............ this is ANDREA.... named after my HDH teamie and challenge host.

She started life as a cute porcelain doll 23 years ago...
...............but now has been transformed into ....

APOCALYPTIC ANDREA...... with a lump of half eaten heart in one hand and entrails in the other. Her skin has that nasty long dead gungy green hue, with vivid red lesions and weeping puss.
Her clothes and hair are getting quite tattered and dirty from her frequent jaunts to and from her grave.

She has dreadful weeping wounds on both her legs and as you can see the flesh is becoming vile and putrid.
For ANDREA's makeover i used alcohol inks on the porcelain and eyes....the lunch in her hands is modeled from pva.
Her clothes have been altered and remade after dying with strong tea.... the lace on her dress has drips of nail polish blood on the front.
I had great fun altering Andrea over 4 days.... and have another doll already in a state of undress.
Please come and join in if you get the chance.
I shall enter the two challenges below, and hopefully no one will be to horrified. SEWING LACE IT UP. Thanks for visiting me... love lynx