Wednesday 31 October 2012


HAPPY HALLOWEEN..... its finally here.... the 31st day of this blog hop..... the list is still on my side bar.... i'd like to thank everyone who hopped , blogged and those hardy few who did both...amazing!
Well today i have two cards to share with you made by one of my twins.... little BD.... she made these cards completely on her own..... heat embossed.... stamped , coloured...everything.... i always try to keep my best piece til last and these cards are it..... Little BD is 7yrs old.
 Whilst you're here i might as well just show you the finished dolls house..... now a HALLOWEEN HOUSE.


DINING ROOM AND LOUNGE.... ONLY JUST FINISHED THESE.... can you see the little dragons under the stairs....?

Attic kiddies room..... just finished also.....

close up of the outside.... distressed paint work and all.

Well thats it for another  31DAYS OF HALLOWEEN..... if i have made just one project that inspired you.... i am a very happy dragon.
Thank you for visiting me today....and every day of the hop. BD x and Little BDx


  1. Oh , gosh what a project! :) fabulous! love the toilet :P and how talented is your daughter...lovely job! thank you for all the wonderful inspiration during the 31days! :) x

  2. First of all your daughter did an amazing job on the cards. I never would have thought those came from someone so young. I commend you for teaching your children early your love of art. Secondly, I have been waiting anxiously to see the finished house all together and it did not disappoint. This is amazing and something that should be displayed year round. Thank you for sharing all the work you did during the past month, it was inspirational and gave me some good ideas. Thank you for the fun and I hope you will visit my blog again as I will be visiting yours.

  3. WOW Freakin' fabulous Halloween house! Love each room and your attention to detail is awesome! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Little bd made fabulous cards love them both dhe's got talent. Well done!!!

    Your dollhouse is awesome so much to see what a lot of work this must have been

  5. The cards are gorgeous, well done little BD. Whose images are those stamps from?

    The haunted house is FABULOUS, what a real treat it has been following along with each room until the finale. LOVE it.

  6. I would be watching that little one very carefully! What IS the rule concerning who has the dragon throne? Seriously, she's got some game!! Your house is so incredible I could look for hours and still find stuff to grin about. I was looking for dragons under the doors and had to reread the post to see that they are under the stairs! It is totally incredible!

  7. Congrads on finishing the 31 days and doing some amazing projects-well done!!!

  8. Beyond Amazing, my dark friend and wee dragon! BD...had you not mentioned little BD's age...or even mentioned her at all, I would have thought you created the cards (even though you "don't do cards"). Those cards are exquisite and the fact a mere 7 year old made them just makes me beam with joy! If your wee dragon is this good now, just imagine how insanely brilliant her work will be in the future! Seriously, I do not lie. Her work is far better than many adults. Please be sure to share more of her work in the future!

    As far as your house goes, I have no more words left to say. It is truly a piece of art and has you written all over it! Your intricate work and attention to detail never fails to amaze me!

    Now I really want to go to England to craft with you and your talented daughter! Thanks for all the inspiration this month!

  9. My friend your house is out of this world I love every bit of it. My darling Little Black Dragon your cards are awesome you and your sister have your mothers talent love you both. BD it has been awesome seeing all of your projects this 31 Days

    Hugs xxxx

  10. I love your house, and little BD's creations are amazing!

  11. Your house is AMAZING! Your projects have been so much fun! Thank you for sharing yourself!

  12. Oh my golly gumdrops! Your cards are brilliant little BD! Well done! Well done! And big BD, your Haunted Doll House is truly amazing! What a treat to see it completed! Bravo!

  13. Great cards little BD! And what a wonderful Halloween house! You have inspired me to want to find a doll house or make one to decorate!

  14. Great projects.
    I really had fun hopping around and looking at all the wonderful creations.
    Thanks for sharing your art with us.

  15. Holy moly! This is truly amazing! I have loved seeing the rooms and to see it all together if fantastic. You rock!

  16. Those cards are truly masterpieces. Tell my little BD she is a true artist, please. Mind you - she takes after her mother!! A fabulous climax to end this epic journey xxx Stay safe dear friend, love xxx

  17. BD,
    Little BD's cards are truly awesome! She did a most wonderful job! Love the tied look to the purple ribbon! Great job on the stamping and coloring!
    I have enjoyed drooling over your art work all month long! You have inspired me for more then one project! I lots of projects in mind now!
    Your Doll house is amazing! I just LOVE how you made each room different but it still all comes together as a whole unit as well. Thank you for sharing with us all, for 31 days! Happy Halloween!

  18. Wow! Little BD's cards are amazing and your house is just such a work of art, thank you for all of the inspiration this month
    Lindsay xx

  19. Little BD did an amazing job on thsoe cards! Fabulous work. Your doll house is just wonderful. Love all the details you've created in every room. Happy Halloween

  20. WOW - that's monumental. Words fail me ... I'm envious, just plain envious.
    The cards little BD made are awesome, great work! Isn't it pride and joy to have such talented children? With me it's my son who will be 9 very soon ... and even my little one (4) loves playing around with my stamps and does birthday cards for her little pals.
    Best, Suzanne x

  21. Obviously little BD is quite the artist, just like her fabulous Mom. Amazing cards! and your house is too freakin' awesome for words! LOVE those little dragons under the stairs. LOL Thanks for an amazing month! xxD

  22. you are a total genius! I really love your house, If I could build my dream home it would look something like that one :D I have enjoyed every project you have made during 31 days you are such an inspiration to me. Tell little BD fabulous job! really love her cards she is very talented. Love n hugs xxxx

    Oh thank you for sharing with us at Tuesday alchemy this week xx

  23. Little BD's cards are amazing - hard to believe someone so young has that kind of talent already. Well done! And the house is phenomenal. I can't even imagine how much time and effort has gone into it. This is truly a work of art. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Tuesday Alchemy on both counts (cards and house)!

  24. Wow! This halloween house is amazing! So glad you entered it into our Halloween Treats challenge this week at Lollipop Crafts

  25. Congrats to Little BD whose cards are amazing. Great designs. Well done! BD, your Halloween house is amazing! Your attention to detail and your sense of humour make this so fun to view...make that study!Just an incredible piece of art. Talent obviously runs in the family. Thanks for linking these projects up to Art With No Boundaries. We have thoroughly enjoyed your stint as guest designer and Little GD.

  26. your house is AMAZING I mean Millie would have so much fun playing in it! I love how bright the kids room is, and how creepy the living room is I wish this was life size I would so live there!

  27. AMAZING!!! What an awesome project!! thanks for joining us at Lollipop Crafts! ;)

  28. Congrats!! you are one of our Featured Friday players this week at Lollipop Crafts! ;D

  29. Wow!, Amazing Project!~ Congrats!
    Thanks for joining us at LC.
    -Sony Lollipop Crafts DT

  30. OMG this would have been my ideal dollshouse as a child, hell as an adult haha. You are so freaking talented argh!! xx
