Wednesday, 11 November 2009


As today is remembrance day i thought i'd show you all a picture of my grandad taken in 1939 when he was 19years old.... just a boy really.
Grandad came home... and is still around... he'll be 90 in December, has dementia but remembers the war as if it was yesterday.
I love him so much.

I believe today is also veteran's day across the pond.... so i thought i'd mark that too with a photo of my daft yank squirrel killer swearing allegiance to the flag when he went to serve in Vietnam
when he was 2oyrs old. Like my grandad, he came home, but so many didnt today we will remember them.
Grandad... Ron... i'm so proud of you both. love ya both always. xxx
My thanks to Lisa at allisa designs for the poppy.... you can find her though the s-cat blog..... nice one kiddo.... thanks again xxx


  1. Lyn what a beautiful Story, and great pictures, you are such a sweetheart, I have left something for you on my blog, just cos you are my friend....Hugs Avril xxxx

  2. Hi Lyn... just love the photos and so pleased to hear that your grandfather is still with you.

    Really looking forward to working with you x

  3. hi hun great pictures there is something for you over at my blog hugs cheryl xxx

  4. Both striking young men! Handsome! It's wonderful for you to honor the vets in your life. Awesome photos! So glad they came home and yes, we will remember with honor and respect those who did not come home....

  5. It is such a nice day to set aside and remember our veterans and current troops. I love how you showcased the veterans in you life. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thinking of you and your family on this special day Lyn.
    Beryl xx

  7. What a lovely tribute to the loved ones in your family. I really love that photo of your Grandfather. Thanks for sharing with us!Hugs from Michigan

  8. Beautiful story Lyn
    Please visit my blog as there is a little something there for you.
    Dawn xx

  9. The pic of your grandad in 1939 is the spit of Leonardo Di Caprio, brilliant pictures and very sweet x
